Selected excerpts of impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the presenting of certificates and diplomas to the students and fellows of the University of Human Resources [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

[2] (1) Figuring out a database where theses of previous generations of students can be stored and retrieved Regarding this (issue of publishing the scientific) journal […] we have many students who had written theses so far. If you ask where we can go (find) theses that thousands of students have written, however, there is…

Excerpts of off-the-cuff speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the inauguration of the “achievements of the Boeung Jung Ruk Techo win-win development area” [unofficial excerpts and translations]

(1) Win-win politics turns a battlefield into national unification and resolving land disputes I am honored and happy to join in the celebration of the great achievements in the Boeung Jung Ruk Techo win-win development area […] the initial stage of the win-win politics was to transform a battlefield into a place of unification. Now…

Facebook Message on the Conclusion of the “Border Infrastructure Fund with a focus on the construction of the border ring road” [Unofficial Translation]

On August 22, 2024, I announced the establishment of the “Border Infrastructure Fund,” with a primary focus on the construction of the border ring road. Commencing on August 26, 2024, the fund team will begin accepting voluntary contributions from Cambodian citizens, both within the country and abroad. The “Border Infrastructure Fund with a focus on…

Off-the-cuff remarks of Samdech Thipadei Mani Hun Manet at the certificates awarding ceremony for legal students and lawyers [Unofficial Translation]

[1] (1) National Authority for Dispute Resolution outside the Judiciary plays an additional and complementary role to facilitate and increase the efficiency of resolving disputes […] In this term, we have assigned some tasks for the Royal Government’s lawyers […] to help solve issues with challenges such as real estate fraud […] and representing the…