Off-the-cuff remarks of Samdech Thipadei Mani Hun Manet at the certificates awarding ceremony for legal students and lawyers [Unofficial Translation]

[1] (1) National Authority for Dispute Resolution outside the Judiciary plays an additional and complementary role to facilitate and increase the efficiency of resolving disputes […] In this term, we have assigned some tasks for the Royal Government’s lawyers […] to help solve issues with challenges such as real estate fraud […] and representing the…

Excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the graduation ceremony of the University of Puthisastra [unofficial excerpts and translation]

(1) The Funan Techo Canal (FTC) is a symbol of Khmer national unity Let me take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude on the preparation for the construction of the Funan Techo canal (FTC), which we launched the groundbreaking ceremony yesterday. I have witnessed a strong sense of unity. Though this canal is just…

Selected excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the solidarity dinner of the Association of Cambodian Oknha and the Housing Developers Association [unofficial selection of impromptu speech and translations]

(1) Monetary policy measures to facilitate the operation of the private sector in difficult times (The monetary policy measures have) facilitated the implementation process of the private sector in difficult times. There are tax incentives offered in various sectors. This is the policy that the Royal Government helps the people through the private sector […]…