Selected excepts from the exchanges with elaboration between Samdech Thipadei Prime Minister and the modern cashew nuts farming community “Prasat Sambor Rung Roeung” in Kompong Thom Province [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

(1) Help farmers increase cultivation efficiency, reduce costs, and take more profit In this new mandate, we are planning to build an economy that relies mainly on agriculture, in which cashew nuts have been given great attention in the previous mandates under Samdech Techo Hun Sen. We want to be efficient in doing (agriculture), with…

Remarks and elaborations of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the closing session of the 2023 stocktaking of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and the directives setting for 2024 [Unofficial Translation]

[1] (1) El Niño phenomenon can last a long time, the authorities may need to intervene, rescue and try to maintain the water reservoir […] The world assesses the long-term risks of El Niño (this year). Last year we had a lot of favorable both in wet and dry rice cultivation, and the price (of…