Excerpts from the elaboration of the speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the closing of the 2023 annual review and directives setting for 2024 of the Ministry of Inspection [Unofficial Translation]

(1) Inspection work is to keep our house clean – the core principle of the 7th legislative-term Royal Government […] In the pentagonal strategy as well as the previous rectangular strategy, the core issue was governance. What does governance mean? (It means) preparing our house clean before going out to see other people’s house. Prepare…

Excerpts of the Impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, presiding over the official inauguration of the “Wing Tower” Bank [Unofficial excerpts and translation]

[1] At the moment, we also listened to a brief report by Oknha Kith Meng on the evolution of the bank which in a short period of time played an important role in supporting the development of the country by participating in strengthening the banking sector. (1) The banking sector is very important […] comparable…