Selected excerpts of impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the presenting of certificates and diplomas to the students and fellows of the University of Human Resources [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

[2] (1) Figuring out a database where theses of previous generations of students can be stored and retrieved Regarding this (issue of publishing the scientific) journal […] we have many students who had written theses so far. If you ask where we can go (find) theses that thousands of students have written, however, there is…

Off-the-cuff remarks of Samdech Thipadei Mani Hun Manet at the certificates awarding ceremony for legal students and lawyers [Unofficial Translation]

[1] (1) National Authority for Dispute Resolution outside the Judiciary plays an additional and complementary role to facilitate and increase the efficiency of resolving disputes […] In this term, we have assigned some tasks for the Royal Government’s lawyers […] to help solve issues with challenges such as real estate fraud […] and representing the…