Selected excerpts of the impromptu speech elaborations by Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the closing ceremony of the 2023 and 2024 work results and 2025 work directions setting of the Ministry of Mines and Energy [unofficial excerpts and translations]

[1] (1) Sawn Stone – the first fruitful solution The sawn stone sector – is the first solution that I have provided in my term as Prime Minister. In September 2023, I remember going to an exhibition in Nanning (China) […] a sister, who has now confirmed that she is the daughter of Oknha Leng…

Selected excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Moha Bovathibodi Hun Manet presiding over the commemoration of the 911 Parachute Special Forces Command [Unofficial excerpts and translation]

“Thank you, win-win politics”Esteemed the win-win politics leaders and operators who brings peace and complete unity to the country, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Leaders, Members of the Senate, the National Assembly, the Royal Government, military attachés to Cambodia, presiding members, distinguished guests, officers, deputy officers, soldiers, special forces command, army and congratulation the whole ceremony. […]…