Selected excerpts of impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the inauguration of Khmer Fresh Milk Company’s Kiri Sour Dairy Farm [Unofficial excerpts and translation]

[1] (1) Takeo well-known for fertilized eggs, lobsters, and now fresh milk Previously, Takeo is well known throughout the country or even crossing the border only of its fertilized eggs and lobsters. In the past, there used to have eggs (of the chickens raised on the farm of) Samdech Vibol Panha (Sok An). We now…

Selected excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the ceremony to announcing “the Winners of the Model Public Service Units in Education and Health in 2023 and the Launching of Contests for 2024″ [Unofficial Translation]

[2] (1) Every term, place and time the government expands positive achievements and reduces negative things As in the short video clip we watched, we see the efforts to strengthen and expand the achievements of the people […] they are not on paper, but the actual results on the ground, and this result is based…

Excerpts of the Impromptu Speech by Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet in a Conversation with Resettlement People at Run Ta Ek, Siem Reap [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

(1) December 1992, Angkor Wat has been inscribed on the World Heritage List and international friends have helped restore it Please allow me to deliver a message from Samdech Techo, former Prime Minister, Chairman of the Supreme Council of HM the King and Samdech Kittiprittbandit Bun Rany Hun Sen, who always pay attention to the…