Selected excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the inauguration of the “Digital Platform for Registration of Informal Economists” [Unofficial Translation]

[3] (1) Micro and small businesses with an income of less than 250 million riels per year are subjected no obligations I have previously stated this principle on the one-year anniversary of the Royal Government. Micro and small businesses with an income of less than 250 million riels per year […] when they are registered…

Excerpts from off-the-cuff speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the meeting with workers in Prey Speu area, Khan Por Senchey, Phnom Penh [Unofficial excerpts from the off-the-cuff speech and translations]

(1) The more children and the healthier they are, the stronger future for Cambodia […] The more children, we have, and the healthier they are, the future for Cambodia will be stronger. We need more people. In the 500 years of wars, the number of our population greatly reduced, especially since the 1970s. Many people…

Excerpts from the speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet to workers in Prey Chhor district of Kampong Siem districts, Kampong Cham province [Unofficial excerpts and translation]

(1) Samdech Techo Hun Sen – “pining for and thinking of” people […] For the first time, after forming the new government, I came to meet the people of Kampong Cham. Before the election, in 2011, I visited a lot because my work based in Kampong Cham […] this is also the sixth meeting I…