Excerpts of off-the-cuff speech elaboration of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the closing ceremony of the 2023 stocktaking and the 2024 directives-setting of the Ministry of Planning [Unofficial excerpts and translations ]

[1](1) Planning work and data collection and analysis is especially important[…] Accurate data leads to accurate planning. Comprehensive data helps us develop a plan that is feasible and sustainable. Whatever one is doing needs to be scientifically founded. We cannot use fortune-tellers to predict what to do next year. We need to have a long-term…

Excerpts from the elaboration of the speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the closing of the 2023 annual review and directives setting for 2024 of the Ministry of Inspection [Unofficial Translation]

(1) Inspection work is to keep our house clean – the core principle of the 7th legislative-term Royal Government […] In the pentagonal strategy as well as the previous rectangular strategy, the core issue was governance. What does governance mean? (It means) preparing our house clean before going out to see other people’s house. Prepare…