Selected excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the closing session of the annual review of education, youth and sports 2022-2023 and directives setting for 2024 academic year [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

[1] (1) Lifelong education/training … teachers and/or Prime Minister continue learning In the report of His Excellency the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education (Youth and Sports), education is not a job that one can do in one day, in 12 years or in 16 years or in 20 years. We need a lifelong education,…

Elaborative comments of Prime Minister Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet to teachers/teaching staff on the “Thanking Teachers’ Day” – 05 October 2023 [Unofficial excerpts and translation of elaborative comments]

(1) Capacity and efforts of the “New Generation School” – reformed education program […] I am pleased to participate in the “Thanking Teachers’ Day”(TTD), October 05, 2023 under the theme – “Teachers are the pillars of school reform towards excellence” […] I previously visited the exhibition of results and achievements of students as well as…