Excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the friendly football match to celebrate the 29-December “Peace Day in Cambodia” [Unofficial excerpts an translations]

[1] It was due to the absence of peace that even the membership in the Olympics, which Cambodia has been one of its members of since 1956, was suspended between in between 1970s and 1994 […] please allow me to share with you the impressions of HE Sao Sokha, (Deputy Commander-in-chief of the Royal Cambodian…

Selected excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the inaugural ceremony of the China-aid project for the improvement of school environment and educational facilities in Cambodia (CPISEEF) [Unofficial selections and translations]

[1] (1) Education achievements in three provinces I am happy to come to Kang Meas district (of Kampong Cham province) for the 20th time […] I had been here previously either to inaugurate new achievements or to meet with young people. However, mostly, I am here for the inauguration of religious achievements, schools, pagodas. Today,…

Selected excerpts of the impromptu remarks of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet during the conversation with Mixed Khmer Martial Arts (MKMA) athletes [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

(1) 7 types of Khmer traditional martial arts to compete according to the formula similar to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Today I came unofficially to view your prep exercises because we will be launching the match on the forthcoming 18th (October). This match arrangement has a slightly different purpose than before, which is to have…

Excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the Cambodian Artists Association “Heirs (of Cambodian Culture)” under the slogan – “Keep the Old, Create and Develop the New” [Unofficial Excerpts and Translation]

[3] (1) Innovation must have Cambodian-style rule Today, our theme is to inherit (as heirs to the Cambodian culture under) the slogan – “keep the old, create and develop new”. This is the right word and we should uphold it regularly. We cannot ignore or forget the existing achievements. We cannot ignore the achievements that…

Selected excerpts from the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the inauguration ceremony of the Toyota Tsusho Manufacturing (Cambodia) Co., Ltd., (“TTMC”) [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

[1] His Excellency (Ambassador) UENO Atsushi and I have met many times since the new government was born, and every time we meet, there is always a new achievement. Yesterday, we met at Sihanoukville Autonomous Port at the celebration of phase-I expansion of SAP preparing it to be a regional port and regional logistics hub…

Excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the solidarity dinner and medals bestowment in honor of artists [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

(1) Globalization and integration of Cambodia – an opportunity to present the Khmer cultural identity on the international stage Globalization and integration of Cambodia into the world stage gives us opportunities but also brings challenges. The opportunity arises from the integration into the international arena, especially in the field of culture, is that Cambodia has…