Excerpted impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the construction site of the twin flyovers along the Samdech Techo Hun Sen Blvd. intersecting with National Road 2 at the border of Phnom Penh and Kandal [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

[1] (1) Phnom Penh grows in size, population and the means of transportation – in quantitively and qualitatively […] Over the decades, Phnom Penh has developed both quantitatively and qualitatively. In quantity, we refer to numbers. (Firstly,) the area of ​​Phnom Penh has increased from 300 square kilometers to nearly 700 square kilometers […] secondly,…

Excerpts of the adlib speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the meeting with workers, employees and civil servants of Sihanoukville Autonomous Port on the occasion of the 138th Anniversary of International Labor Day, May 1, 2024 [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

(1) Ministries, institutions, authorities and armed forces ready to intervene in case of fire and water shortage I am so happy (especially) when we came back and meet after we met more than 4 months ago to inaugurate the construction of the first phase expansion of our port […] these days the temperature is quite…

Speech and elaborations of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the official launch of the implementation of “Special Program to Promote Investment in Sihanoukville 2024” [Unofficail Translation]

[1] (1) Intervention Program 2024 – (1) Visit Siem Reap 2024 and (2) Investment Promotion of Sihanoukville 2024 Why is it necessary to have a special program (for investment promotion in Sihanoukville in 2024)? […] in order to drive growth, especially to capture the potential of certain zones and areas that need to be further…

Off-the-cuff remarks by Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the inauguration of the cable bridge between Koh Nora and Koh Pich [Unofficial excerpts of off-the-cuff speech]

[…] Infrastructure is very important for a nation. It is a blood vessel. The Royal Government has always given priority to building connected infrastructure. Just like our bodies. Without arteries connecting blood to all parts of the body, some parts of the body may die, some parts of the body may become dysfunctional […] the…