Excerpts of the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the celebration of the 19th July-1 National Fish Day [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

[2] (1) Agriculture ensures food security and livelihood […] Cambodia was and still is considered an agricultural country. By 2023, agriculture accounted for about 22% of the country’s gross domestic product. That is why the Royal Government of all terms since 1979, after the liberation (from the Pol Pot regime), has always given priority to…

Excerpts of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet’s address during an inspection of the progress of flood/water management and irrigation project through/for Takeo, Kandal and Phnom Pen [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

(1) A Visit to three of eleven streams under restoration I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to the successful construction of the flood diversion and irrigation system through/for Takeo, Kandal, and Phnom Penh. I inquired the chief (engineer) if he had prior experience in constructing a 7-kilometer concrete baseflow of…

Selected excerpts of impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the inauguration of Khmer Fresh Milk Company’s Kiri Sour Dairy Farm [Unofficial excerpts and translation]

[1] (1) Takeo well-known for fertilized eggs, lobsters, and now fresh milk Previously, Takeo is well known throughout the country or even crossing the border only of its fertilized eggs and lobsters. In the past, there used to have eggs (of the chickens raised on the farm of) Samdech Vibol Panha (Sok An). We now…

Selected excerpts of Prime Minister Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the ritual ceremony to inaugurate Lotus-like Stupa in Wat Mony Ratanaream, Pursat Province [Unofficial excerpts and translation]

[1] (1) Inauguration of the first Buddhist achievement since the establishment of the new Royal Government […] This is the first inauguration of a Buddhist achievement since the establishment of the Royal Government (of the seventh legislature) […] I thank the people of Pursat for their trust and confidence in supporting the leadership of the…

Selected excerpts of impromptu speech of SamdechThipadei Hun Manet during the inspecting visit on progress of the Phase-I 4F-class Techo Takhmao International Airport (TIA) construction project [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

(1) 4F-class airport built 65 years after the first 4D-class in Cambodia I am pleased to meet with you all and oversee the progress of the 4F-class International Airport construction project […] once I got to the runway, although not yet finished, I feel so excited […] the day before, I inaugurated the International Airport…

Remarks and elaborations of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the closing session of the 2023 stocktaking of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and the directives setting for 2024 [Unofficial Translation]

[1] (1) El Niño phenomenon can last a long time, the authorities may need to intervene, rescue and try to maintain the water reservoir […] The world assesses the long-term risks of El Niño (this year). Last year we had a lot of favorable both in wet and dry rice cultivation, and the price (of…

Excerpts from the speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the release of the national report on the final results of the 2022 economic census [Unofficial excerpts and translations]

[1] (1) Data is a map/compass indicating geographical situation and geographical position […] we all know that data (and in this case the data of economic census has) an important (role) as a map or compass for us […] for (firstly,) it lets us know the geographical situation, (which) does not refer only to the…

Excerpts from the impromptu speech of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet announcing the 5th and 6th programs of the 6 priority policy programs organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

[1] Priority policy programs 5 and 6 to be implemented before end of 2023 […] It is a pleasure to preside over the launching ceremony of the 5th and 6th priority policy programs of the Royal Government, which are the two last programs in the new government’s six priority programs to be implemented before the…